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Car accidents are a common and dangerous occurrence. Every day, people are involved in car accidents that result in injuries to themselves or others. It’s important to know what you’re up against before getting into a car accident, so you’ll be better prepared if one does happen to you. You will most likely sustain injuries in your head, neck or back region. Perhaps the most common injury is whiplash-a painful injury to your neck and back caused by the sudden jolt of forward movement followed by sudden stopping or turning of the head.

Many other types of injuries can occur as well – cuts from broken glass, burns from spilled gasoline and oil, bruises from seatbelts pressing on them during impact – but these three regions are the most commonly injured areas.

Injuries to the head, neck and back can be devastating-and can possibly even be fatal. Many people who have sustained these types of injuries are not aware of the damage that’s been done until days or weeks later. The symptoms may not show up right away because they’re usually internal and/or subtle in nature.

Common Injuries After A Car Accident

Here’s a list of injuries that you may be at risk of sustaining in a car accident:

Head Injuries

Head trauma is the most common type of injury sustained during an automobile collision, and can be fatal. The brain is very sensitive and can sustain damage from even the smallest impact-the same damage done to any other organ.

Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries

These can occur when a person is thrown forward or backward in their vehicle during an accident and strikes the head or another hard object. The symptoms are usually temporary, including pain, nausea, blurred vision and even a seizure. Most people fully recover from this type of injury with no problems at all.

Severe Traumatic Brain Injuries

These are usually a result of an object penetrating the skull and causing brain matter to leak, or from a forceful collision (such as hitting your head on the dashboard in the event of a car accident). The outcomes for people who suffer severe traumatic brain injuries are not always positive. They may require extensive medical care and rehabilitation, or they may be left in a vegetative state.

Neck Injuries

Neck injuries are very common for people who have been involved in a car accident. The forces exerted upon the neck during an automobile collision can lead to pain, headaches, stiffness and actual damage to the spinal cord itself-affecting motor skills and/or sensory functions.


Whiplash is a type of neck sprain that’s caused by an abrupt impact to the head or upper body causing the neck muscles and ligaments to stretch beyond their limit. This leads to pain and even disability, as well as cognitive difficulties for those who are affected.

Back Injuries

Back injuries occur most often when a person is involved in an automobile collision and their body is forced into the back of the seat or even against the steering wheel. The impact can compress, spasm or stretch nerves and muscles in that region-sometimes leading to pain, feeling numb or difficulty moving.

Herniated Discs/Spinal Cord Damage

This type of injury occurs when a blood vessel in the spinal cord bursts. This results in severe pain and/or paralysis to one side or both sides of the body. There is no cure for this injury, and even though treatment options exist, they are often ineffective or impractical.


Burns are usually a result of spilled gasoline or oil. These can affect your skin, but also other parts of the body as well –especially if they come in direct contact with lit material.


Cuts to your head, neck and back region may not be readily visible, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t present and/or severe. These cuts, abrasions and bruises often result from broken glass.


Bruises in this region of your body can be very painful and look pretty scary as well, but they’re usually nothing to worry about. If you’ve been involved in a collision where you had no control over the event that caused it (and therefore couldn’t prevent the bruises themselves), then there’s no reason to worry about what’s already happened. Just make sure that you receive proper medical care for whatever damage has been done.

Other Injuries

There are a number of other common injuries that can be sustained in an automobile collision, including trauma to any part of your body (i.e. your hands, arms, legs or face) or any sort of internal injury that is not immediately visible. Remember that the more traumatic an event has been for you and/or the more severe your injuries are, the longer it’s going to take for them to heal. Don’t rush things, keep all appointments with your treating physicians and make sure that everyone is looking out for your best interests at all times.

If you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident, make sure that you know what to do next. Follow up with the healthcare professionals treating your injuries and don’t forget about your finances as well. Injuries such as these can be stressful, so it’s okay to relax and take things one day at a time. If you have to miss work, talk with your employer and see if they can give you the time off that you need to recover from your injuries. And don’t forget about how your vehicle may need repairs as well-it’s important to get this taken care of right away (or hire someone else to do it for you).


How To Take Care Of Your Injuries After An Auto Collision

Taking care of your injuries after an auto collision is one of the most important steps in the healing process. Staying mobile and active is a big part of this, but it’s also important to address any physical limitations. Here are some tips on how to take care of your injuries:

– Avoid ice or heat treatment directly on your injuries unless you’ve been given specific instructions by a doctor.

-Apply cold packs to swollen injuries 4-6 times per day, 20 minutes at a time. This helps with discomfort and prevents further damage.

-Apply ice or heat treatments to painful areas where you feel tightness or pain. Ice treatment should last 20 minutes at a time, and heat treatment should last 10 minutes at a time.

-Make sure you have a comfortable mattress. Your bed should be firm enough to support your body without creating any soreness or pain.

-Get up and walk around every hour to help with circulation.

-If you have a neck or back injury, it’s important to move the area gently as much as possible so that you don’t cause further damage. This will also allow new blood vessels to grow in that area and heal your injuries more quickly.

-Try not to use your arm or leg too much after a car collision. It’s important to be gentle with the injured area, and you should avoid jobs that cause further damage if possible.

-The key to healing is rest. Your body needs time to heal, so give it plenty of time for this process.

-Always take pain medication as prescribed by your doctor.

-Use a cane or walker if necessary to help with the healing process.

-Talk to your doctor about physical therapy when it seems appropriate for your injuries. Physical therapy can be helpful in restoring mobility and minimizing pain after an injury, especially one involving your neck, back or limbs.

-If you are physically active before the collision, but have trouble later, talk with your doctor about physical therapy to help restore the mobility you once had.

-If you need surgery after a car accident, be sure to get all of your pre- and post-surgery instructions from your surgeon. It’s very important that you follow the guidelines for activity and rest so that you minimize your risk of infection and complications.

-Get plenty of rest, and avoid doing too much to prevent further damage. Taking care of your injuries properly will help you heal faster, which also means that you’ll need less time off from work or school.

-Don’t try to get rid of all pain by taking too many pain medications. Pain is a natural part of the healing process, and if you try to avoid it by taking more medicine than necessary, you may end up doing more damage.

-Listen carefully to instructions from your doctor or physical therapist. Your body will heal faster if you are gentle with it when moving around, exercising or engaging in other activities.

-Be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions for diet and health. If you don’t, you risk further complications and slowed healing after the injury.

-If your injuries are serious enough that rehabilitation is needed, get a second opinion from another doctor before starting any treatment program. This way, you can be sure that whatever therapy or treatment program provided will actually help with your injuries and help you to get back to a normal life as quickly as possible.

-When it comes to recovering from an injury after any type of collision, the key is patience. The proper steps taken during this time will allow you to heal faster and minimize your risks for complications.

Seeing A Chiropractor After A Car Accident

It’s worth considering seeing a chiropractor after a car accident. He or she can check your spine and neck for damage and recommend treatment if necessary. A great strategy is to see the chiropractor immediately following the accident when they are still fresh on your mind. This will help keep your memory of the accident more accurate than if you wait for weeks or months. The chiropractor has a wealth of knowledge about how to properly identify and treat injuries that might not be as obvious at first glance. You may not realize your injury for days or weeks after the accident. By seeing a chiropractor as soon as possible, you are helping him or her get you on the quickest path toward healing.


It is important to know what you are up against before getting into a car accident. You will most likely sustain injuries in your head, neck or back region. Perhaps the most common injury is whiplash-a painful injury to your neck and back caused by the sudden jolt of forward movement followed by sudden stopping or turning of the head. If this has happened to you, be sure that you go see an orthopedic specialist if it doesn’t get better with time because they can prescribe medication for pain relief as well as physical therapy for healing purposes. It’s also key to remember not just how much damage might have been done but who may have seen those damages happen so that they can step in and help out too! The more people there are on your side, the better off you’ll be in getting through something like this.

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